Friday, December 10, 2010

The Final Weeks

Last Prego Picture

An update for my own records, just a little behind.

Remember reading the posts where I said I loved being pregnant? Unfortunately I loved it up until week 39. Pregnancy was relatively easy for me until I reached the last week.

It all started with an earache. While at my weekly OB appointment I had the Dr. Thompson check my ear for what I assumed was an ear infection. She found nothing. I went home that Tuesday and along with the earache my right eye began pouring water. Then I noticed I didn't have as much muscle control on that side of my face. While at the high risk pregnancy doctor on Thursday, I was diagnosed with Bells Palsy. Bells Palsy is a temporary paralysis caused by pressure on one of the cranial nerves. Dr. B prescribed steroids to reduce inflammation and hopefully prevent the bells from sticking around after Oliver's birth. So five days before my scheduled C-Section I began taking the medication. As it turns out the medication made me vomit for 2 days and did nothing for the Bells. I stop taking the steroids and spend the remaining three days in the bed eating and drinking very little. Did I mention I could only smile with the left side of my face? It was less than pretty.

I did manage to enjoy a last pregnancy meal at Longhorn with the family Sunday (Halloween) night.

The good news is despite my feeling like total rubbish, little Oliver was thriving perfectly well. The monitoring was going perfectly and the final ultrasound showed what Dr. B estimated would be a 9 pound baby. Only time would tell.

Up next, the big day!

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