Friday, April 23, 2010

Little and Growing


Where has the time gone? When I first found out I was pregnant, I swore I wasn't going to tell anyone else until I got to week 12. Then week 12 seemed light-years away and well we all know how that went.

I get weekly baby growth updates from It's fun keeping up with how the little bean is advancing and getting answers to the many questions I have each week. In 12 short weeks, baby Holloway has gained a heartbeat, tiny facial features (wonder who he/she will look like), little fingers and toes, a full set of internal organs (though they continue to grow and mature), the ability to suck and swallow, form a fist and wrinkle his/her little forehead. No wonder I'm so tired!

I have my 12 week appointment on Thursday and I'm praying we can detect a heartbeat through the Doppler this week!

Just for my records: To date, I've lost 6 pounds and gained 0. The midwife says she'd like to see me gain 25 to 30 pounds with this pregnancy and I need to start gaining in the next week or so. My morning sickness seems to be slacking off as the nausea is dwindling. Sleeping at night continues to be futile as I spend more time tossing and turning than I do sleeping. The food aversions seem to be improving but not so much that I see myself eating a piece of meat anytime soon.

Only 192 days to go!

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