Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Spilling the Beans...

Let's back up to the story of how we shared the news, shall we?

As I said in my earlier post, I took a home pregnancy test on Saturday, February 27 around 5 am. I immediately see a "PREGNANT" sign and do a little happy dance. I made an appointment with my reproductive endocrinologist for Tuesday, March 2. Brent and I went in that afternoon and had a blood drawn. I had to wait an entire day to get the results! The numbers came back in the 1200 range. We scheduled another blood draw for March 4 only this time I made the appointment early in the morning so I could get the results the same afternoon. Crystal, the best.nurse.ever, called around 4 p.m. to let me know that my HCG levels had done exactly what they should, as they were now at 2500. It was official! WE ARE PREGNANT! Oh did I mention this was also the week of Brent's birthday? What a fantastic gift!

We decided we weren't going to tell our parents until Easter dinner. We were hosting dinner at our house and both sets of parents were attending. The first person I told about Bean was my dear friend Shea. The next people to learn of the addition were Coy & Mandi. We celebrated Brent's birthday dinner with them as we always do, and there was no keeping the secret when I had to refuse an order from the bar! Next on the list was my sister (because I can't keep a secret from her) and Brent's sister and brother-in-law. Next up was my brother and sister-in-law (who've requested to be called Aunt Apee and Uncle Hou) and my friend Jennie (who is 5 weeks ahead of me in the expecting game). So much fun to share the news but we couldn't wait to tell our parents who've been dropping not so subtle hints about wanting to be grandparents.

Caption reads "Hatching soon, a bundle of joy,
will it be a girl or maybe a boy?"

Brent's parents came into town the Saturday before Easter. This meant I had to keep it a secret for the next 24 hours. So despite my overwhelming food aversions and non-ending nausea, I managed to pull it off and even prepare Easter dinner. I had planned for weeks how I was going to tell them. I had an idea to put a pink & blue PEEP in a stuffable egg along with a little message. I had the camera ready to go. The real task proved to be keeping Homer (my FIL) out of the Easter goodies until dinner time.

We said grace and then I told everyone to open their Easter gifts. I was so thankful to capture their reactions on camera. As expected, our mothers figured it out first and both let out a little shout of excitement. It took our dads a few minutes to catch on. Homer's first words "Are you serious?" They couldn't be more excited, unless of course, they were us!

We passed around our two ultrasound pictures and soaked up every bit of the Easter we will never forget!

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